Thursday, October 02, 2003

*rotfl* I still haven't watchjed.................. T_______T

Monday, July 21, 2003

I've read up to book three of the Wurts thing, and I've found some rather cool slash pairings *grin*

Arithon/Jieret - love this one. Would be SOOOOO SWEEET!!!! ^^/

*ROTFL* My mind tends to go the wrong way *lol* But don't you agree Arithon/Jieret would be so sweet? *gringrin*

Friday, July 18, 2003

*ROTFL* I think Asandir/Sethvir is possible wat ^^ When they were younger. Notice they seem to be the closest. ^^

Eh, the slash was a one time mention. And people aren't as innocent as they seem ^^ Of course I won't talk so much lah. Don't want to get kicked out ^^V

*ROTFL* Arithon/Lysaer???? Nah. ^^;; Not possible. Though if Arithon were gay, that would be rather cool ^^V

I like the Reiji/Naoya pairing. Soooooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! Book 5 even nicer ^^

Nice Jars lyrics, btw ^^

Friday, July 11, 2003

wierd conversation ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; He's as bad as you when it comes to typing *big sweatdrop* As in you guys like to break your sentences into different parts ^^;;;;


Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Yeah. You very idiot. ^^;;;;;;;;;;;; Take so long. *sigh* Ah well..I like POT better ^^;;; I guess we'll have to wait for the vcds....damn. I wanted to see how they wrote the ban leaving ginji bit!!!!!!!! And I wanted to see how Natsuhiko got together with ban again! If they ever get back together, that is ^^;;

re. my website, thanks ^^ Hai, but none of the fons suit that was the closest I guess ^^;;; I need more fonts ^^;;;;;;;;; You can get photoshop from Kazaa wat. Or go to a pirated CD store. I just dl-ed my photoshop 7, thogh I don't dare install until I've backd up everything ^^;;

Er....I dunno...up to you lor...I though you turned down the offer for scholarship? Really, up to you ^^

Re. the ODAC thing. ((O_O)) I've got a sinking feeling.....

Still on book one of Janny Wurts' series ^^;;;;;; Gosh it's damn long ^^ But so nice!! I love Arithon!!! And I know my mind is twisted, but I can't help thinking that Asandir and Sethvir had something going on when they were younger ^^;;;;;;;; I know it's just me, but they'd make a perfect slash pairing.....

btw, if you couldn't find the scanlations links, go to my blog, the one. I put up some links, though you'd have to scroll down a bit since that post is a little old ^^;

Oh, and try this band called Rhapsody ^^ And Ash. And Radiohead. And PEte yorn. All of them VERY GOOD. ^^ Rhapsody is a little like Dream Theatre. Ash and Radiohead and Pete Yorn are like Coldplay type, alt rock. ^^

Thursday, July 03, 2003


Hey there ^^ Five new wallpapers up at Distraction! Four are from Sandman artwork and the last is of the castle I showed you. ^^ Do take a look, and tell me what you think ^^

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Ai. Another quiz. Ok, ok, I'll do it ^^;;;;;

1. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING?: Usually after 9am. I'm a sleeper ^^

2. IF YOU COULD EAT LUNCH WITH ONE FAMOUS PERSON, WHO WOULD IT BE? Er. Orlando bloom. Definitely. I'll ask him to whisper sweet nothings in elvish to me. *sigh*

3. GOLD OR SILVER? : Silver. It's magical, like moonlight. And it reminds me of Sirius and Remus. *sigh* And it's a nice hair/eye colour for bishonen *_*

4.WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT THE CINEMA? : hm. Finding Nemo too. I loved the speaking whale bit XD

5. FAVOURITE TV SHOW? : Er. Currently, Amazing Race four. Cute guys!!! Gay couples!! Castles and Vienna!!! *squeals*

6. WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? : Two slices of toast dipped in olive oil. And a cup of water.

7. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE LEFT IN A ROOM WITH? : Orlando Bloom. Or Legolas ^^

8. CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? : Er. yes ^^;;;; Using the trick you used *grin*

9. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? : Hm. What inspires me? Sandman comics. They're my most valuable possession. Oh, and music. Lots of good music ^^

10. WHAT'S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? : slash-mad/plain-crazy XD

11. BEACH, CITY, OR COUNTRY? : Country!!! Like in hobbiton *sigh* I like beach too ^^ Nice sandy beach with blue blue blue water......

12. SUMMER OR WINTER? : Damn, I wanted to put autumn ^^;; ok, so I guess the closest is winter ^^ That's cos you can wear pretty clothes, see wolves howling at the moon, and play with snow. ^^

13. YUM? : Italian pasta fried in garlic and olive oil and topped off with fresh tomatoes. *sigh* Oh, and New York Cheesecake *SIGH* and NYDC's Mochamisu cheesecake *siiigh* Damn. I'm drooling ^^;

14. BUTTERED, PLAIN, OR SALTED POPCORN? : Buttered with honey.

15. FAVOURITE CAR??? : Similar to you, dear ^^ I like a black bmw seven series *sigh*

16. FAVOURITE SANDWICH FILLING? : Butter. Or strawberry jam. Or subway's turkey breast ^^

17. FAVOURITE TYPE OF MUSIC? : British alternative rock, a la Travis, Coldplay, Mansun, Doves, Wallflowers, Suede etc. Also, jrock, ie. glay, luna sea, x japan, larc en ciel. And progressive rock along the lines of Dream Theatre. And oldies rock like Air Supply and Chicago. And US rock like Bon Jovi, Aerosmith and Googoo dolls.

19. WHAT CHARACTERISTIC DO YOU DESPISE? : Gee...where's 18? Anyway. Hmm. betrayal.

20. FAVOURITE FLOWER? Blood red roses. Or, if not available, bright yellow sunflowers will make me happy too ^^

21. IF YOU HAD A BIG WIN IN THE LOTTERY, HOW LONG WOULD YOU WAIT TO SPEND ALL? : Hm. I won't spend all. I'd put aside 10% to spend, and the other part goes into the bank to earn interest ^^

22. DO YOU WEAR PYJAMAS? : Er. Yes. Adult pjs ^^ I guess. It's called sleepwear. *rotfl*

23. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? dark brown.


25. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO RETIRE? : Toulouse. Beautiful small town in France. Or New Zealand. Or switzerland. Or germany. *sigh*

26. CAN YOU JUGGLE? nope. Me not juggler ^^;

27. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Fridays, cos it would be saturday and sunday after that ^^

28. RED OR WHITE WINE? Red. Cos it's nicer. And it looks like blood XD XD XD

29. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? Well, went out with my best friend to Sakae Sushi, where she gave me a beautiful handmade jigsaw and we shared a little slice of heavenly tiramisu *grin* Oh, and I bought the LOTR special extended edition DVD ^^

30. DO YOU CARRY A DONOR CARD? No. Not particularly charitable these days ^^;


32. WHO DO YOU LEAST EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? : I'm not sending it to anyone *rolls eyes* this is a ridiculous quiz ^^;


34.WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? : Chronicles of Tornor by Elizabeth A Lynn. Yanru, go try this out. Very yaoi ^^V

35. FAVOURITE BOARD GAME? : Scrabble ^^

36. FAVOURITE MAGAZINE? : Errrrr. Er. None. Except those male model magazines with lots of bishonen ads XD XD XD

37. FAVOURITE SMELLS? : Garlic. ^^ Am so not a vampire ^^;;; And the softener my mom uses ^^

38. COMFORT FOOD? potato chips. Nice snack ^^ Or celery. or seedless grapes. ^^

39. FAVOURITE SOUND? : The wind howling, the thunder roaring, the rain hitting on my room. Basically a storm XD XD XD

40. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD? : Existential angst.

41. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? : Five more minutes..... Or, other times, I go 'Damn. Someone kill the education minister NOW.'

42. FAVOURITE FAST FOOD PLACE? : Yoshinoya and Mos Burger ^^

43. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? Hmm. I used to have this grand I dunno ^^;; I'd call one Sirius and another Remus XD XD XD

44. FINISH THIS STATEMENT. "IF I HAD A LOT OF MONEY, : I'd buy a ranch in new zealand, buy orlando bloom and lots of horses and wolves. And I'll stay there and be happy XD XD XD

45. DO YOU DRIVE FAST? : Dunno....not been tested ^^

46. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? : Nope. I sleep with a long boster. ^^

47. STORMS ARE COOL OR SCARY? : Waaaaay cooool. ^^

48. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? : No car T_______T I'd like a toyota corolla though ^^;;

49. FAVOURITE DRINK? : Green Tea desu. To be more specific, Long2 Jing3 tea from the hilly slopes of Suzhou.

50. FINISH THIS STATEMENT, "IF I HAD THE TIME, : I'd take a year off and go backpacking around Europe. Or I'd learn horseriding. ^^ Or surfing.

51. DO YOU EAT STEMS OF BROCCOLI? : Ewwwwwwwwww. >.< Me hateses brocolli.


53. HOW MANY DIFFERENT CITIES HAVE YOU LIVED IN? : Hm. Let's see. Toulouse. Zurich. Berne. Lucerne. Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Beijing, Tokyo, Osaka, Hong Kong, Singapore, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Vancouver, Edmonton, Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, brisbane, Tasmania, Rotorua, Kuala Lumpur, Penang...yeah, i think that's it ^^;; Can't remember all the cities. But country wise, it's just USA, canada, france, switzerland, china, japan, hong kong, australia, new zealand, m'sia. ^^;

54.WHAT IS UNDER YOUR BED? : Lots of dust ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;